In 2017, Gary Wilson produced this film, "Nature's Resilience - A Year After the Wildfires" for the Smoky Mountain Explorer Series compilation Blu Ray. This was produced...
In 2019, Gary Wilson spent a day in Yellowstone capturing footage that went into this 3 minute short film. Yellowstone is one of the most immaculate landscapes on Earth...
In 2014, Gary Wilson produced the second film in the Smoky Mountain Explorer Series called "Seasons of the Smokies". This 40 minute film was created for the Great Smoky...
In 2015, Gary Wilson shot, edited and produced this following segment called "Waterfalls in Great Smoky Mountains National Park" for the Great Smoky Mountains...
In 2014, Gary Wilson shot, edited and produced this following segment called "Lungs of the Earth". This project was created for the Great Smoky Mountains Association's...
This commercial was produced by Gary Wilson for the Braun Brothers Reunion Festival in 2011. This spot was created for their website, and promotion through social media...
A walk into the backcountry of the Painted Desert and Rainbow Forest Wilderness areas of Petrified Forest National Park - an ancient place where few go.
On October 14th, 2023 the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta coincided with a Solar Eclipse to create a memorable event. This video, shot by Gary Wilson of KRQE NEWS 13...
In 2010 Gary Wilson was commissioned to develop a website commercial for Bruce Martin Interiors in Sun Valley, Idaho. This quirky timelapse animation was made with stop...
In 2005 Gary Wilson was commissioned to develop 2 30 second commercials for Blaine County Firewise. Using flash animation, Gary Wilson developed a talking house...